I’ve said everything I wanted to say. That might be disappointing to hear. Maybe you were expecting some really strict guidelines, or schedule, or diet plans.

But you won’t get it from me. I’ve explained the general rules about what works for our body, and how to fit those rules into your lifestyle. I’ve explained why something is good or bad, including some knowledge that isn’t commonly known. That’s all you need to know.

Because now you can pick the parts you need for your goal. Now you can fit this into your lifestyle, personality, or schedule. Which makes it way more likely you actually do it and reach your goal.

You are what you eat. If you eat trash, you will feel like trash. There’s no use trying to solve this by swallowing pills or sleeping it off. Remember the trifecta of health: eat healthy, exercise enough, and sleep well. If one part is missing, the other parts can barely be accomplished.


If you’ve slept badly, you are more likely to overeat and to crave junk food. If you don’t exercise, you are more likely to be overweight, because you’re not using any of the calories you eat. You can eat all the Kale in the world, it will still make you fat if you don’t do anything with the food you eat.

Check what is actually inside products. Don’t trust packaging. Don’t trust the current trends or slogans. One day, fat is the enemy of all. The other, carbohydrates are. Companies will say whatever they need to say to sell products.

Instead, do your own research. Read studies. Experiment with what works for you, over longer periods of time, keeping an objective journal.

And the risk of having a terrible diet is greatly reduced if you vary the diet. Because then, a bad decision now and then, is offset by a good decision the next day.

Keep your second brain happy. Eat food that’s easiest to digest for our body and strengthens the environment in your stomach.

And this is where I leave you. Diet isn’t something you “figure out” once, and you’re set for the rest of life. It’s an ongoing challenge, as your body changes, its requirements change, your budget changes.

Don’t read this guide, make some changes, and call it day. Regularly vary your diet, experiment with new foods, evaluate if you’re still on the right path, and check up on the latest research. I mean, the old version of this guide was written almost ten years ago … and contained quite some information that has now been proven to be wrong.

Keep trying to improve your health,


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