Many mathematical formulas group their components with so-called delimiters. Think of regular arithmetic where 2*(5+6) is something different than (2*5)+6. But the uses go much further than that. For example, in computer science, you index the element of a list or array with [index].

The regular symbols, such as parentheses ( () ) and braces ( {} ) work. But they don’t scale with the equation. They just use their regular symbol, math mode or not. A fraction, for example, is much taller than the symbols surrounding it, which looks ugly and messy.

To solve this, LaTeX provides the \left and \right commands. These need to be used together—always—and both need a certain delimiter right after it.

Between them, you are allowed to use as many \middle commands with other delimiters as you like.

LeftRightDescriptionCommon Use
()Regular parenthesesGrouping equations
[]Regular bracketsAlternative to grouping equations
\{\}Regular bracesDenoting sets
\langle\rangleArrowsIntervals or dot products
||Vertical linesDeterminant or absolute value
||||Double vertical linesNorm
..Empty delimiterDisplays nothing
\lfloor\rfloorBox with open top and gap in bottom sideRounding a number down
\lceil\rceilBox with open bottom and gap in top sideRounding a number up
\ulcorner\urcornerSmaller version of the previous commandRounding a number
 2    \left( \frac{2}{3} \right)
 6     \left| x+y \right|
10    \left\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^3 \middle| x \not= 2 \right\}
Code left > output right
Code left > output right

Custom Sizes

If you’re not satisfied with LaTeXs default stretching of your delimiters to the correct length, use the special symbol-sizing commands:

\bigSlightly bigger than normal
\BigEven bigger
\biggEven bigger

Note that these should be used instead of the \left and \right commands. (They also work for most other symbols, which you’ll learn in a later chapter.)

2    %Yes, this looks awful, it's just for demonstrative purposes
3    \Bigg( \frac{2}{3} \big)
Code left > output right
Code left > output right
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