In these two chapters, I want to give a few slightly more “advanced” ways for manipulating data. Again, every programming language will have these. And you will use them a lot.

I also want to show how programming is mostly mathematics. Because most of the time your data are numbers, and math is 100% about how to make numbers do what you want.

Mixing data types

Maybe you already tried this. Maybe you understood the result—maybe not. I’m talking about using an operator (such as +) on bags.

Bag and non-bag

What happens if you multiply a bag of numbers by one number?

1bag numbers holds 2 5 3 10 4 12 5  6say 5 * numbers 7
Executing ...

The result is a new bag. With every element multiplied by 5.

Icon to signal a Data Transformation.
Bag & Number

In math, the 5 would be called a scalar and the bag a vector. This is called scalar multiplication. Most people won’t learn this in school (or anywhere else).

But it’s very useful in coding. Some languages support this by default. Otherwise, you want to create (or find) support for “vector math”.

For example, in games, vectors are everywhere. Maybe you have a bunch of enemies. When you grab a powerup, all the enemies become weaker. This is a scalar multiplication! We want to multiply a whole list of values (enemy health) with one value.

1bag enemies holds 2 40.0 3 23.30 4 59.50 5  6now healthReduction means 0.5 7say healthReduction times enemies 8
Executing ...

The same rule is true for other operators. If you add 5 to a bag, for example, it will add five to all elements inside it.

Bag and Bag

Okay, cool. What happens when you multiply a bag with another bag? Then both elements are a vector. Hence, vector multiplication. Again, this works for all operators.

Icon to signal a Data Transformation.
Bag & Bag

Games are still a great example. How do you save where the player is in a 3D world? You need to save their X, Y and Z coordinates. You could do that with separate variables. But they are obviously related, so let’s put them in a bag called “position”.

What if we want to make the player jump? It should change the position. But only on the Y-axis! This means we can add another bag to the position, where we only set the Y and leave all other values at 0.

1bag position holds 2 X means 1 3 Y means 3 4 Z means 2 5  6bag jumpChange holds 7 X means 0 8 Y means 5 9 Z means 0 10  11say position plus jumpChange 12
Executing ...

Tada! With one line of code, you’ve transformed the whole position to the correct new position.

This is often called a piecewise operation. Because you apply the operation to each piece ( = element) separately.

Understanding these data transformations (scalar and piecewise) will help you a lot, especially in game development. They provide fast and easy ways to change bags of data (such as coordinates, lists of enemies, powerups or 3D models) into what you want.


Another generally useful thing is the random function.

To get a random number between 0 and 1 (non-inclusive), use bamboo random.

Icon to signal a Data Transformation.

Non-inclusive means that 1 itself isn’t included. Only all values just below it, like 0.99 and 0.999.

Why 0 and 1? Wouldn’t you often need a random number in another range?

Yes … but all random numbers can be created just from the range 0 to 1!

It’s similar to what I explained earlier about the round, floor and ceiling functions. Most languages support all, but you actually only need one to get them all.

Some languages support something like rand_range to get random numbers inside another range. But most don’t, and that’s totally fine.

Think about it. How could you use this data (a number between 0 and 1) to get any random number?

Exercise 1: dice roll

This is another great exercise that will broaden your understanding of code and data transformation.

Say I’m writing a game in which you roll dice. I want random numbers between 1 and 6. Moreover, they must be integers of course. (I can’t very well roll a 2.23 with a die!)

Icon to signal a Data Transformation.
Number between 1 and 6

How do you achieve this?

Executing ...
Add/remove characters to make the computer execute the code again. You'll get different results!
Click to unfold (and show solution)

That’s the power of a random number between 0 and 1. By multiplying it with some value X, you can turn this into a number between 0 and X. To change where we start, just add or subtract a number from it.

But remember that we moved the whole range by adding 1 to it. So saying random * 6 would overshoot us: we’d be able to get 1 + 6 = 7 as a result. Which a die doesn’t have!

So after moving the whole range up, move the upper bound down by the same amount

Improving the code

Now rewrite the code above to be more readable. To actually explain itself and where the numbers come from.

Executing ...
Click to unfold (and show solution)

Fixing a ninja flaw

Finally, this code isn’t entirely correct. This issue, though, is much harder to spot (unless you’re a mathematician).

Have you found the issue?

The lowest and highest number (1 and 6) are less likely to be picked.

Think about it. Our randomness generates any value between 1 and 6. Then we round it. This means that …

  • 1.49 and lower becomes 1
  • 1.5 until 2.49 becomes 2
  • 2.5 until 3.49 becomes 3
  • 3.5 until 4.49 becomes 4
  • 4.5 until 5.49 becomes 5
  • 5.5 and higher becomes 6

See that? The 1 and 6 are half as likely to be picked as any other number. That’s why experienced programmers rarely use round: they use floor instead.

Rewrite the dice roll code to be fair using floor.

Executing ...
Click to unfold (and show solution)

Notice how we don’t need to subtract 1 from the high bound anymore. It can just be 6.

Why? Remember that the 1 is non-inclusive: we never actually reach that value (6 + 1 = 7). We come very close, but never reach it. So rand * 6, will at most be 0.999999 * 6, which will at most be 5 (when floored).

Which means calling floor will keep our values between 1 and 6. And now they are picked fairly:

  • 1.99 and lower are 1
  • 2.99 and lower are 2
  • 3.99 and lower are 3
  • 4.99 and lower are 4
  • 5.99 and lower are 5
  • 6.99 and lower are 6

Exercise 2: random element

Knowing this, write code to select a random element from a bag. Make it fair.

Icon to signal a Data Transformation.
Value (Random)

Make sure you never access elements that don’t exist:

  • Either negative (below the first index of 0)
  • Or too large (larger than the bag’s size)
Executing ...
Again, remove+add characters to execute the code again and get a new result.
Click to unfold (and show solution)

Shouldn’t it be (numItems + 1)? If we floor it?

No. Something sneaky happens here. You might have bumped into that while trying these exercises yourself.

Because bags start at 0, the highest index is always size of the bag - 1.

Yes, this is one of the reasons why programming languages start their indices at 0. It’s because it makes writing code such as the one above (to select a random element) cleaner. We can just use the bag’s size and floor it. Because the bag size is already “highest index + 1”.

This is another piece of code you’ll write a thousand times. Or you choose a system/language that has a built-in function for it 😉

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