Humans are just animals with slightly better cognitive capabilities. This is important to remember, as it determines everything about how we think and work.

Why do we struggle with discipline? Why are we often unmotivated to do something, even if we know it’s good to do, or we like doing it?

Because we’re animals regulated by hormones, feelings, and conservation of energy. If possible, animals will always be lazy. Why do more work than necessary? Why potentially waste energy? Why do anything at all, when you feel sad?

So, how do we become more productive? How do we find that discipline?

By using a lot of tricks to apply the weird psychology of humans for good. You will never change our nature. You will never truly feel motivated for everything and have energy for everything.

Instead, you can design your workflow and lifestyle to trick yourself into accomplishing stuff. To use laziness to your advantage. To prefer consistency over tiny moments of inspiration.

I am serious about this. I have made tons of games, websites, books, albums, etcetera. Not once did I feel motivated and happy all the way through. In fact, I often only had natural motivation for, like, the first three days of the project. Ask anybody else who gets things done, and they’ll tell you that motivation is a myth. It’s about process and habits.

This guide talks about the techniques, from easiest but least effective, to hardest but most effective.


At some points, I might sound a bit harsh or like I’m screaming from my iron tower. I’m not angry, don’t worry, these are all just tips and ideas to help you. But it helps shorten the text and be more convincing. If I have to add nuance, softness and exceptions to everything … this course would be an unreadable mess, 1000 pages long!

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