Many people struggle maintaining personal hygiene. I have identified two core reasons for this struggle.

  • It takes time, without immediate or clear results
  • There are many rules and habits to remember

I struggled in the same way. But over time, I’ve learned to boil everything down to one simple truth.

Bad hygiene is a result of humans placing their body in non-natural environments too often

Take smell as an example. The biggest reason for bad smell, is not because of sweat or our natural body odor, but because we wear clothes which take over that smell.

For example, when you’re at the beach on a hot summer day, all those people will be sweating their ass off. But it doesn’t smell like that. Because most of them don’t wear clothes that take over the smell. Because you’re in a large open space, moving around freely.


In fact, a bit of smell is natural to us, and has been shown to be part of social relations. Usually in terms of why we find a partner sexy or attractive.

Throughout this guide, I will repeatedly mention this. When in doubt, think about what would be natural for you and your body. This is the easiest way to automatically maintain hygiene. It may sound or feel strange at first, but hopefully you can slowly understand this reasoning.

Which means these are the greatest tips of them all:

  • Be physically active. If you move around a lot, problems can’t build up in one place.
    • For example, also wear clothes that are flexible, wide, open. They are easy to wash. They don’t stick to your body.
    • Also, you don’t have time or space for bad habits to be executed, like picking your nose.
  • Go outside a lot. Open your doors and windows to let fresh air in.
  • Simple washing is key. Most animals also wash and groom themselves. Not “once a day with a shower”. But regularly, by washing your hands, cleaning dirty spots, etcetera.
  • Don’t shield yourself. Our body functions optimally when exposed to different temperatures, to outside elements, and more. Don’t shield yourself from the world or from nature. Let it in, and you will be stronger and struggle less with hygiene.
    • For example, some people wear socks in bed. This is obviously unnatural. Your socks stink, your feet sweat, your body heats up, this introduces hygiene problems.

If you do this, you are way less likely to develop hygiene issues. Because you live in a natural, freeflowing way, for which your body was actually made.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have seen many more examples of how to stay natural to prevent issues entirely.

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