Much of the information out there about eating healthy isn’t necessarily wrong. But it focuses on one specific thing, ignoring that your body is a large group of systems. Or it draws the wrong conclusions from what the data or science says.

My guide about eating healthy will try to approach this sensitive topic differently.

Because it is a sensitive topic. The world has come to a point where the majority of people are overweight. A point where most diseases are the result of bad lifestyle, not something unpreventable.

Many try to take advantage of this. They invent some kind of “diet” and pretend it will save the world. They invent pills that do absolutely nothing and sell them to desparate people for piles of money.

This guide?

  • It looks more holistically. Eating well is ineffective (or just hard) if you don’t exercise or sleep well. It doesn’t matter if you eat more vegetables, if you eat way too many food in general.
  • It takes the other important factor into account: motivation, discipline, habits, and more. Without it, all the advice in the world won’t help you eat better
  • It doesn’t tell you what to do. I wrote this guide to record what I know to be true and what has helped me. I publish it so it might help others, but it started as a guide for myself.

Let’s start with the most important part … which isn’t food, but water.

Continue with this course
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