This is a passion project. I don’t make any money off of it and don’t intend to. I wanted to share knowledge with the world, help others, create a nice place for all that.

This means that the roadmap below is more of a “wishlist in a sensible order”. I might execute half the list the coming year, I might not touch this website for five years. Who knows?

Programming Courses

Transfer all the old programming courses. That’s a lot (hundreds of chapters), mostly focused on web development. They were also filled with countless examples and images, which is why it takes so long to transfer them.

Also write a new course on “programming principles”. Wise lessons you should apply to any software project. I think that course would be more valuable than all the others combined. No, I am certain of it!

Finally, I started using many different tools after all those years. I’d recommend the Hugo website generator in a heartbeat. I’m using more and more command line tools. Everything I write happens in Markdown. Each of those topics would be nice to cover.

Music Theory

I’d like to create a big, interactive course on “Music Theory”.

Speaking of interactivity …

More interactivity

Many of the older courses have no interactivity at all. Some have images or quizzes, but even that feels like the bare minimum.

At the same time, there’s a point at which you should just make a game instead of turning a website into a “fake game”.

I know, I’m being a perfectionist. I already put way too much time into this. That’s why this is on my wishlist, and not actually made yet.


The Typography course is nice. Almost every chapter has a quiz. It has clear images. But the real way to learn something is through interactivity! I should add some buttons, some tiny games, some interactive stuff inside the course. It shouldn’t be too hard to allow readers to actually play with font size, line height, spacing, and other typography concepts.


The tool I use for the Songwriting course is really nice … but it lacks interactivity. You can’t add your own notes, change it, etcetera. (This was the very first time I created a dedicated tool for a tutorial, so I didn’t even think about this.) That should change.


Some simple tool that counts words, checks sentence length, gives a readability index—should be doable.

Besides that, I might create some “writing prompt” generator.


Add an actual canvas for drawing to my graphics tutorials.

If I ever get around to more tutorials about video editing, graphics, etcetera, I could also add a barebones animation editor. (Nothing actually fancy, of course. Just enough to let you play with the concepts I explain. Simple things like keyframes, tweening, etcetera.)

Writing courses

Some of the courses in Writing were the first ones I ever wrote. That’s almost ten years ago now. I was just a kid trying to become a better writer.

Now I am that professional writer. The courses just aren’t good enough. Additionally, I want to write many new ones that provide more value. (Focusing on self-publishing, plot, character, dialogue, etcetera.)

To infinity and beyond

Beyond this? Who knows. I can’t imagine what else I really have to cover. (I have something to add that’s nowhere else on the internet, or I really want to talk in-depth about it.)

But I’ll see you back here in ten years. The world has probably changed dramatically, and me with it.

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