Hi! I’m Pandaqi. My real name is Tiamo Pastoor. I’m a guy passionate about games, music, being creative, and trying to get the most out of life.

I live in the Netherlands, in a small town called Waalre where I spent most of my youth. English is, therefore, my second language. About 50% of my work is only available in Dutch. (Keep that in mind when looking up other projects of mine.)
I absolutely hated the educational system from start to finish. I was forced to study Mathematics, and the only good thing about that is that it ended at some point. This tutorial website was my statement that I’m not against learning, that I’m not stupid or lazy, but that the educational system is worthless and wrong.
The website itself is quite old. It was my first big, professional website. It underwent several major updates, until eventually landing as part of my overall game studio website. This latest iteration is very modern and clean, and will hopefully stand the test of time. (Mostly because I’m too busy now to maintain this so frequently 😉)
Once I was done with education—I’m officially a “Mathematical engineer”, but never even went to get my degree—I became a freelance artist.
Below are links to all my other projects. I hope they give you joy. And I hope you give my paid work a chance if that is the case, as it is how I make my living.
My work spans four major areas: writing, design, games/programming, and music. I taught myself all of that. I even skipped third grade because I could already read—thank you, Harry Potter books lying around!—when we were supposed to start learning how to read.
However, due to a chronic illness, I had to spend years mostly focusing on writing and programming. As that’s all you can do when your body barely works. This website, for example, had support for videos and sound from day one, but not a single tutorial currently uses it.
The illness is most likely the result of my stress and depression because of the educational system. I say this as advice and a warning. Your youth is the most critical moment for the development of your health. Schooling in most countries basically means you spend 20 years stressed-out, overworked, bossed around and very unhappy.
This has consequences. You might never lose the mental or physical issues that come with it.
So my advice? If you’re still in school, really, really, ignore all the bullshit it tries to force on you and just take care of your goddamn health. Mentally and physically. Teach yourself skills you’re passionate about. Maintain social relations, sport activities, relaxing activities. Don’t be afraid to tell everyone at school to fuck off, because you care about yourself and your life, and they have no right to treat you like a slave that should do anything they say.
These are the only swear words you’ll find on all my online websites and content.
I use them only when they are most needed.
And if you’re already out of school? Reconsider all your habits, thoughts, personality traits, etcetera and find which ones are the result of that system. The result of the stress or situation from your youth. Try to break free from them. Try something else. You will discover just how much those first ~18 years of your life shackle you to an unhealthy lifestyle and mindset.
Want to support me?
Buy one of my projects. You get something nice, I get something nice.
Donate through a popular platform using the link below.
Simply giving feedback or spreading the word is also worth a lot.