A hybrid board+smartphone game for 1–8 players about transporting exotic goods across the jungle.
What do I do?
Lead a transport company in the jungle! Bamboo, birds, bees, anything can appear. Deliver it to the right city for points.
Moving a vehicle? Start a timer! Your movement is done when it runs out. But forget about it … and you’ll face the consequences.
Your vehicle is idling on a city when another player arrives? It’s bumped off the board!
Keep all your vehicles going, all the time, and you might just win!
What do I need?
The game is played on a physical board with pieces to move around, but the timers (and more) are controlled by your smartphone. Each player needs to have a smartphone with them.

Print these files. (Use the “Download” button.)
- Two pages of materials ( = the vehicles and resource chips).
- The rules — including images, setup and examples — are only three pages.
Use this website
The campaign has six scenarios, increasing in difficulty, allowing you to get comfortable with the game before adding new rules and mechanics.
Pick your desired settings and press the button! (A new page will open.) When in doubt, just use the defaults for your first game(s).
Don’t tap to start on your device until all players are ready!
Because it opens a new page, your browser might register this as a pop-up. It’s not, I would never show pop-ups.
Pick your desired settings and press the button! (A new page will open.) When in doubt, just use the defaults for your first game(s).
Not working? Or unsure what to do? The "Download" button above has PDFs I already made for you! Pick any one of those.
The split board option is highly recommended! It creates a huge board consisting of 4 papers, which allows everyone around a table to easily reach all destinations.
Hire me
Are you a games publisher? I'm always open to inquiries about publishing one of my games.
Need a special board game or video game? Maybe for a birthday, school or another purpose?
Contact me! You can ask me anything—I don't bite! In fact, I've never bitten anyone.
If unsure, visit my portfolio to learn more about my work. You can also contact me through there, as I'm a registered freelance artist in the Netherlands.
Enjoyed my work (or not)? Let me know what you think! Mail me at [email protected] with any feedback.
That's already a great way to support me.
Alternatives would be to buy my paid work (a win-win situation!). Or to donate through the most popular channels.
Fonts? Rowdies for header text. Yanone Kaffeesatz for body text. Both freely available on Google Fonts.
Website (boards and game)? The Phaser 3 library for programming, also completely free and open source.
Everything else (concept, code, graphics, rules, …) was completely made by me, Pandaqi! I’ve written two in-depth articles about the creation of this game (as I usually do):
- (Devlog) Timely Transports: about problems I faced, solutions I found, why I chose to do certain things (or not do them), general interesting stuff about game design.
- (Technical Devlog) Timely Transports: about the actual algorithms used for the game interface and generating the game board, both high overview and actual code samples
- (Update) Timely Transports: about the huge update I did for the game, half a year after release. Why I did it, what changed, and more.