Sixpack header

Sixpack (Rules)


Example starting setup (for three players).

Each player picks their favorite pack: 6 cards with the same icon. (See Packs for what they do and recommendations.)

Pick one extra pack together. Shuffle all cards into one deck.

Deal 6 cards to each player. Place 3 cards face-up in the center of the table: these are your “piles”.

Playing with 2? Add one extra pack—which means 4 in total—and deal 10 cards each.



The game ends when one player is out of cards. The player with the most cards left wins. (Tied? Count the hand icons.)

You can also play multiple rounds and keep score. Your score for each round is #cards + #hands.



All players pick one secret card from their hand. When everyone is ready, reveal them all at the same time.

Any duplicate cards are removed. Then handle the cards from lowest to highest.

Start of a round: pick, reveal, remove duplicates.

Each card is placed on the pile with the closest number below it.

  • Such a pile doesn’t exist? Claim any pile you want. If a pile exists with the same number, however, take the card back into your hand instead.
  • You played the extreme card (6)? Claim that pile.

Claiming a pile means that the pile is removed. Any cards that show a hand icon () go into your hand. The card you played starts a new pile in its place.

That’s it! Have fun!

End of a round: handle cards from low to high. Place, claim, or take back.



The packs below are roughly in the order recommended. Further down the list, cards are less impactful and more of a fun gimmick.

For your first games, use one “reverse” pack and “neutral” cards otherwise. Afterwards, try adding one unique pack per game, to learn what they do. Once comfortable, add more and more special packs (replacing the neutral ones).



Before handling each card, count the number of (visible) reverse cards. If odd, the rules are reversed.

  • Handle cards from high to low
  • Cards must be placed on the pile with the closest number above it
  • The new extreme is “1”. (Piles are claimed by playing the “1”, instead of “6”.)

When claiming a pile, hands are also reversed. (A card with no hand, now counts as a hand. A card with a hand icon does not.)

Example of a turn with the reverse active.



This card can be played on a pile with the same number to claim it. If the card would claim a pile any other way, take it back into your hand instead.



It copies the number of the card below it and its hand (if it has one).

Additionally, …

  • Hold this card facing the other players. (You look at the back of the card; they always see that you have it.)
  • If you play on top of such a card, reveal another card from your hand in the same way. (Flip it around, facing the other players at all times.)

This might mean that you don’t pick cards simultaneously anymore!

  • If any players revealed cards, they must pick a card first. Go in order of their lowest revealed card (from low to high).
  • If multiple players have the same lowest revealed card, they must play that one.
Examples of the (three) rules of seethrough cards.

Late Arrival


When played, immediately add one extra card from your hand to the round. (Proceed as normal; as if that card had been played right from the start.)



While visible, the sheriff’s number becomes the new extreme.

  • You can only claim piles by playing a sheriff’s number. (Replacing the usual rules.)
  • Cards with the same number as the sheriff, may be played on top of it.
  • Cards that fit nowhere are played at the bottom of a sheriff pile.
Examples of the (three) rules of sheriff cards.



When played, pick another card that’s still waiting to be played and remove it. If no such card exists, however, throw away a card from your own hand instead.

No Superheroes


While visible, all special card effects are disabled.

Super Numbers


Has two numbers.

  • You decide which one to use after all cards have been revealed.
  • If multiple supernumbers are played, they all count as “duplicates” of each other. (They go away before checking any other duplicates.)
  • When on top of a pile, both numbers are true at once.
Example of using the supernumber card (when playing, and when on top of a pile).

Biting Hand


When won, it negates all hands in the pile. You don’t get them and must throw away an extra card for each hand icon.

If the pile has no hands, keep any one card from it.



Steal one card from everyone who played the same number this round. Additionally, all other duplicates are removed, but this card stays.

Second Hand


When won, either …

  • Grab any card on top of another pile
  • Or grab any card from another player’s hand.

Pile Driver


When played, grab part of its pile and place it on top of another. Do this before claiming the pile (if this card would do so).

If you grab the whole pile, leave this card to start a new one. (There must always be exactly three piles on the table.)

Example of using the piledriver card.



After revealing the cards, pick a target: any card played by another player. Your copycat gets the same number and special effect as the target.

Once played on a pile, the card is simply itself again.



Adds its number to the card on top of it. (Any number above 6, is rounded down to 6.)

If play is reversed, it subtracts its number. (Any number below 1, is rounded up to 1.)

Additionally, you may attach any number of Calculator cards to the actual card you play. These change its number in the same way. (When placed on the pile, place all attached calculator cards first, then the regular card on top.)

Example of using the Calculator card (in different ways)