Each player receives 9 random Life Cards. Decide the order you want, then place them in a faceup stack before you.
Shuffle the Cat Deck and deal everyone 3 cards. Finally, pick anyone to be the Kittyqueen.
The game ends when a player runs out of lives. The players with the most lives win.
Play happens in rounds. The Kittyqueen starts, then take clockwise turns.
On your turn, PLAY a card from your hand.
There’s only one rule: no cat may appear more than 9 times (across all cards).
Before playing a card, you may also wager a life. Place your top Life Card in front of you. Draw as many cards as it shows, then execute its power.
If your turn makes a cat appear exactly 9 times, you are rewarded: you aren’t required to take turns anymore (this round).

A round can end in three ways.
- Somebody must take a turn, but can’t (or won’t). If so, only they lose a life.
- Only one player remains who is forced to take turns. If so, only they lose a life.
- Or all cats appear 9(+) times. If so, everyone loses a life.
Losing a life means discarding the top card of your lives deck, as well as any lives you wagered. Otherwise, wagered lives return to the bottom of your Life deck (in any order).
The player with the most cards becomes the new Kittyqueen. (If tied, the current Kittyqueen picks their successor from the tied players.)

Each Life Card shows a power and a number of cards.
- The number of cards indicates how many cards you draw when wagering the card.
- The power indicates some special ability you get when wagering this card. (Only for you, and only on that turn!)
At any time, only the top card from your deck applies to you. (Whenever your top Life Card changes, make sure to check your new power.)
During the game, you may always browse through your lives to see what’s coming up!
Below are tables explaining what each icon means.
If you enabled “limited powers”, only these ones appear.
If all powers are enabled, these ones can also appear.