Sort the cards into positive and negative. Shuffle both piles and place them facedown. (The gray neutral cards are ignored in the base game.)
All players draw 4 cards of each type into their hand.
The game ends after 5 rounds. Highest score wins!
All players simultaneously create a dilemma: combine a positive card with a negative card from your hand.
Once done, all dilemmas are revealed in the center of the table.
Then, players grab tokens and vote. Grab as many yes and no tokens as the number of dilemmas divided by 2, rounded up.
For each dilemma, ask yourself if you’d say yes or no to this, then place the right token (facedown) on it.
Once done, all the vote tokens are revealed.
The dilemma with the smallest difference between yes and no tokens wins the round. (This dilemma is “most controversial”.)
All yes tokens placed on it become points for the player who created the dilemma.

All players draw a new positive and negative card for their hand. Next round!
Neutral Cards: each player also draws 1 neutral card. Whenever you want, you can add this card (as a third card) to a dilemma. You never draw more neutral cards, though—once used, it’s gone.
Supervotes: each player receives one SUPER ACCEPT and one SUPER REJECT. When used, it counts for 3 votes. You must use these before the game is over, and once used they’re gone.
Coop Dilemmas: instead of deciding the entire dilemma yourself, you do it together. Each player places one card (positive or negative) before them.
- In even rounds, players then provide the other part of the dilemma for their left neighbor.
- In odd rounds, players then provide the other part of the dilemma for their right neighbor.
When a dilemma wins, the spoils are split between the two players who worked on it. Any leftovers (if unable to fairly distribute) go to the second player.
Finally, players draw back the types of cards they used.