Create tough dilemmas by combining cards from your hand, then make sure yours gets the most controversial votes.
What do I need?
Three simple steps.
- Read the short playful rules.
- Click Download > Files > "1 - Base Set.pdf"
- Print, cut, play!
Want more? You can also generate your own material right on this website! Or pick one of the other PDFs available in the Download section.
Pick your desired settings and press the button! (A new page will open.) When in doubt, just use the defaults for your first game(s).
(Click to fold.)Not working? Or unsure what to do? The "Download" button above has PDFs I already made for you! Pick any one of those.
Which pack(s) should I use!? The packs mostly exist to break the huge number of possible cards into smaller chunks. There are no big differences. Each pack could be used standalone or mixed with any other packs in a game.
Except for the extraordinary pack! It contains more adult content, not suitable for every group. (It’s also much smaller, so needs to be shuffled into existing packs.)
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Contact me! You can ask me anything—I don't bite! In fact, I've never bitten anyone.
If unsure, visit my portfolio to learn more about my work. You can also contact me through there, as I'm a registered freelance artist in the Netherlands.
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The fonts used are Sunny Spells (headings, decorative) and Minya Nouvelle (body, text, paragraphs). Both freely available for commercial use. Everything else is entirely mine.
This is an incredibly simple party game that naturally grew out of The Game of Happiness. While the original is a cooperative experience, this one is more a truly competitive game.
I think the Game of Happiness works best in families or groups that want to actually explore what makes them (or their loved ones) happy. It’s surely a game, but not competitive and more focused on emotions.
The Game of Dilemmas is more of a silly, gamified, creative, try-your-best-to-make-your-friends-laugh.
Want to add your own cards? You can always send me a message with ideas for cards! Once I have enough, I can easily add them as another pack.