Thats amorphe header

What happens when you morph a cat halfway into a house? And what if you do it a little bit? A party game about inventing things and then asking others to guess what on earth you meant.


What's the idea?

Draw two word cards. Place them open on the table: these are the start and end of your scale.

Then you draw a secret morph card. It tells you how much the first word morphs into the second word.

It’s up to you to invent something that fits the description!

What’s halfway a bike and a house? What’s 80% between a cow and a car? What’s mostly like a laptop, but also a little bit like a banana?

The other players must answer these questions. You score points only if they guess (close to) the correct morph number!

What do I need?

Four simple steps.

  • Click the “Download” button to find the Rules and Material.
  • Pick any one PDF with “word cards” (4 pages)—print it.
  • Download the PDF with “morph cards” (1 page)—print it.
  • Read the rules (2 pages) and have fun!

Want more? This website can generate random word cards for you! You know, if you’ve played the game fifty times and want some variation.


Pick your desired settings and press the button! (A new page will open.) When in doubt, just use the defaults for your first game(s).

Turns the material mostly white / grayscale to conserve ink. How hard should the words be? Allows the cards to be used with the Actions expansion. Will make the game harder, as cards have fewer options. Adds cities, countries and continents. Adds proper names of famous people, brands, events, etcetera. Overwrite the options below to include everything.


(Click to fold.)

Not working? Or unsure what to do? The "Download" button above has PDFs I already made for you! Pick any one of those.

Taking too long?

Coming up with a great morph is hard. People might take too long on their turn, while they keep thinking and can’t make a decision.

To solve that, use my timer. A length of 1-2 minutes (at most!) should be great.

Hire me

Are you a games publisher? I'm always open to inquiries about publishing one of my games.

Need a special board game or video game? Maybe for a birthday, school or another purpose?

Contact me! You can ask me anything—I don't bite! In fact, I've never bitten anyone.

If unsure, visit my portfolio to learn more about my work. You can also contact me through there, as I'm a registered freelance artist in the Netherlands.


Enjoyed my work (or not)? Let me know what you think! Mail me at [email protected] with any feedback.

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Fonts? Ribeye for headings. Lora for the rest. Both are freely available on Google Fonts.

The inspiration for this game came from popular party games such as Wavelength.

Want to know how I developed this game? Check out the devlog.