A One Paper Game for 1-6 pirates about discovering all the secret hints leading to the treasure.
What's the idea?
Pirate Riddlebeard hid a treasure in one square of the map. He left behind a set of unique hints leading to it.
But each player only receives part of that list! Figure out what the other pirates know, without giving away your own information.
Find the treasure before the others!
What do I need?
Three steps.
- Read the rules. (Click the “Download” button. Base game is two pages.)
- Grab some pens and papers.
- Start the game on your phone and play!
Phone? You only need a device (and internet) at the start to generate a new game. Once setup is done, you can put it away.
Offline version? Also available in the rulebook.
Pick your desired settings and press the button! (A new page will open.) When in doubt, just use the defaults for your first game(s).
(Click to fold.)Bonus Rules
(Click to fold.)Hire me
Are you a games publisher? I'm always open to inquiries about publishing one of my games.
Need a special board game or video game? Maybe for a birthday, school or another purpose?
Contact me! You can ask me anything—I don't bite! In fact, I've never bitten anyone.
If unsure, visit my portfolio to learn more about my work. You can also contact me through there, as I'm a registered freelance artist in the Netherlands.
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Alternatives would be to buy my paid work (a win-win situation!). Or to donate through the most popular channels.
Fonts? Chelsea Market for headings, Charis SIL for text, freely available on Google Fonts.
Website (boards and game)? The Phaser 3 library for programming, free and open source.
Is this magic!? Nah, sorry, it’s an algorithm. It generates a map and hints that, when combined, point to precisely one location. Most of the work actually went into balancing and finetuning: making the maps pretty and easy to look at, ensuring hints are equally valuable, removing easy guesses, etcetera.
Want to know how I made that? I’ve written articles!