Photomone header

A party game about drawing secret words. But you’re an ant, so you can only draw using your pheromone trail.


What do I need?

First time playing? Read the short playful rules.

For each game, you need two things: a paper board (to draw on) and a list of words.

You can generate random boards below. Print and play!

For the words, pick whatever style suits you best.

  • Like traditional games? Click “Download” and print the material (3 pages of word cards). Reuse that anytime you want to play.
  • Don’t mind a smartphone? Use the word generator on a device (like a smartphone) to get secret words while playing.
  • Travelling? Low on space? Enable the “include words” option when generating boards. This means the words are printed on the board itself.


Input your desired settings and click "generate".

Turns the material mostly white / grayscale to conserve ink. Prints random words on the paper itself. How hard should the words be? Already adds a few random lines to the paper Makes the board more circular / organic.


(Click to fold.)

Not working? Don't worry! At the "Download" link, you can also find PDFs I already generated for you.

For most game modes, using "core" (or "easy") words is ideal. With words printed on the board, however, the game becomes much easier and it's recommended to allow much harder words!


Input your settings, click the button. A new page opens with the game interface!

Downloads a PDF with randomly generated word cards How hard should the words be? The interface needs to know if you're using this expansion.

Word Categories

(Click to fold.)

Hire me

Are you a games publisher? I'm always open to inquiries about publishing one of my games.

Need a special board game or video game? Maybe for a birthday, school or another purpose?

Contact me! You can ask me anything—I don't bite! In fact, I've never bitten anyone.

If unsure, visit my portfolio to learn more about my work. You can also contact me through there, as I'm a registered freelance artist in the Netherlands.


Enjoyed my work (or not)? Let me know what you think! Mail me at [email protected] with any feedback.

That's already a great way to support me.

Alternatives would be to buy my paid work (a win-win situation!). Or to donate through the most popular channels.


The fonts used are Proza Libre and GelDotica. All other assets and code are mine.

This idea started its life many years ago when I saw a game called “StarLink”. In that game—you never guessed it—you must draw things by connecting stars with straight lines. However, that’s where the game stopped. I tried to continue the idea further, take it in completely new directions, and provide that for free.

For a detailed diary about the game, check out the devlog.

Photomone now has a spin-off you can play entirely on a smartphone or tablet! Check out Photomone: Digital Ant-ists.
Photomone now has a spin-off that turns the game on its head. The result is something similar to popular games like "Codenames". Check out Photomone: Antsassins.