A One Paper Game for 2–8 players about running your own pizza business, but a raging rivalry forbids crossing paths with other pizza couriers.
What's the idea?
Click here to unfold.
What do I need?
Three steps …
- Generate a random game board below and print it
- Read the rules. (Click “download” to find the PDF.)
- Grab some pens and some friends. (Use different colors if possible.)
Concerned about ink? Only page 1, 2 and 4 of the rulebook are relevant for the base game. There’s also an option to create “ink friendly” boards.
Tip for Teaching? Explain the “Move” action—it’s the core of the game. Explain the “Reset” action whenever someone gets stuck. Then place the ingredient list on the table, so everyone can look up their power when you “Eat” them, and immediately play!
Pick your desired settings and press the button! (A new page will open.) When in doubt, just use the defaults for your first game(s).
(Click to fold.)Not working? Or unsure what to do? The "Download" button above has PDFs I already made for you! Pick any one of those.
Hire me
Are you a games publisher? I'm always open to inquiries about publishing one of my games.
Need a special board game or video game? Maybe for a birthday, school or another purpose?
Contact me! You can ask me anything—I don't bite! In fact, I've never bitten anyone.
If unsure, visit my portfolio to learn more about my work. You can also contact me through there, as I'm a registered freelance artist in the Netherlands.
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Interested how this works? Check out my devlogs at Pandaqi Blog.
Here are links to the specific first articles:
- (Devlog) One Pizza => about the general process, issues I faced, how I solved them, changes and different versions of the game, explanations about what works (and doesn’t work) for boardgames, …
- (Technical Devlog) One Pizza => explains the algorithms and code behind randomly generating complex game boards, which are still balanced and fun to play at all times.)
Fonts? Leckerli One, because it just looked like a font you’d find on a pizza box. And Nunito, the body font—minimal, readable, available in many different weights.
All visuals were drawn in Affinity Designer as vector art, the game board generated using JavaScript and Phaser v3 game engine.