A series of word games inspired by Scrabble, but also completely different.
What's this?
This is the overview page for the Keebble Games.
Click any of the links below to visit a specific game. They aren’t sorted in any way.
The original! A One Paper Game, only needs an empty paper and some pens, plays quickly and simply.
Keebble: Knickknack
The same as Keebble, but now digital, played using a single smartphone. This allows more depth, variation, and random setup.
Keebble: Domino
A ’traditional’ game played with dominoes that look like different letters from different sides. Print and cut once, play however often you want.
The font used is Arbetus Slab for both heading and body. Everything else—images, code, idea, rules, etcetera—was made by me.
This project was obviously inspired by Scrabble. Most people know and enjoy the game. But I saw some things to improve: it can take too long, you need to carry a big box, there’s no variation to the board.
I sought to improve those things!
The first result was “Keebble”: free to play, highly portable, with simultaneous turns and more variation. Once I’d made that, I realized I could also make a hybrid version (use a single smartphone to manage the game and add cool extra possibilities) and then had a crazy idea about a domino version with an ambigram font.
In the end, this turned one Scrabble-inspired game into an entire project of simple language games :)
Want more details? Check out the devlog.