Ensure your character survives the murder investigation, but do it in secret.
What do I need?
Three simple steps.
- Read the short playful rules.
- Click Download > Files > "1 - Base Set.pdf"
- Print, cut, play!
Want more? You can also generate your own material right on this website! Or pick one of the other PDFs available in the Download section.
Pick your desired settings and press the button! (A new page will open.) When in doubt, just use the defaults for your first game(s).
Not working? Or unsure what to do? The "Download" button above has PDFs I already made for you! Pick any one of those.
Credits & Remarks
Because this game went through so many iterations, the “lore” behind the theme has become quite comedic. You’re basically terrible detectives who keep accusing potential suspects way too early, which puts them in danger and ends up getting them killed. But you’re just capable enough that you try to protect one specific suspect until the end. That’s the only way I can thematically explain the mechanics and flow of this game.
Anyway, the fonts used are Dragging Canoe (headers, short fancy text) and Libre Caslon (Text) (body, long readable paragraphs). Both freely available. Some of the assets were generated with AI, some entirely designed by me (because it was faster than having the AI create something usable). Everything else is entirely mine.
This game idea basically popped into my head as I went to bed one night. A game where you were secretly placing murder or protection cards before suspects, trying to make your suspect survive when the review phase game. I basically drew the table layout and rules sketch in my notebook (always beside my bed!) then and there.
Of course, actually creating and testing the game changed it in so many ways that only the core mechanics remains in the final version: play cards to suspects, move the loupe, review the biggest suspect when the loupe resets.
(I call it a “loupe” because “magnifying glass” was just too long to put on the cards and in the rulebook. This synonym is quite common in my own language, but I’ve learned most English speakers wouldn’t use it often.)
But, as always, all those changes made the game much better.
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