Build the best fireworks show without having it blow up in your face.
What do I need?
Three simple steps.
- Read the short playful rules.
- Click Download > Files > "1 - Base Set.pdf"
- Print, cut, play!
Want more? You can also generate your own material right on this website! Or pick one of the other PDFs available in the Download section.
Pick your desired settings and press the button! (A new page will open.) When in doubt, just use the defaults for your first game(s).
(Click to fold.)Not working? Or unsure what to do? The "Download" button above has PDFs I already made for you! Pick any one of those.
The fonts used are 4th of July (headings, fancy text) and Neuton (body text, readable, multiple variations). Both freely available online. Parts of the illustrations were generated with AI; everything else is mine.
As usual with me, this game idea popped into my head just a few weeks before New Year’s Eve. I raced to develop and finish it, then tested it that night with family, and it just … worked really well? I barely had to polish and tweak afterwards.
I guess that’s the benefit of basing a game idea on two proven mechanics: push your luck and deck building. The first mechanic is about asking players if they want to continue playing (e.g. “reveal another card”) at the risk of drawing something bad and being eliminated. The second asks players to use their rewards of a round (e.g. “each card is worth 1 coin”) to buy new cards and therefore build a better deck over time.
One of my simplest games, one of my most thematic games, and one that seems to hook most people immediately.
Hire me
Are you a games publisher? I'm always open to inquiries about publishing one of my games.
Need a special board game or video game? Maybe for a birthday, school or another purpose?
Contact me! You can ask me anything—I don't bite! In fact, I've never bitten anyone.
If unsure, visit my portfolio to learn more about my work. You can also contact me through there, as I'm a registered freelance artist in the Netherlands.
Enjoyed my work (or not)? Let me know what you think! Mail me at [email protected] with any feedback.
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